Your Adult ADHD study guide

We love to learn, but studying with adult ADHD can be so hard! I’ve been there - day after day of trying to get things done, feeling powerless to actually do the work, and then, if you’re lucky, snapping into focus at the last minute. It’s stressful. And then there’s all the other things to maintain - commitments, eating, or seeing friends and family.

I help a lot of adults with ADHD (or ADHD-type brain patterns) to succeed in their studies. So I decided to create this short guide to some things you can do to help yourself. It’s mostly focused on motivation, and there’s a plan at the end to help you work out your next steps.

If you want support right now, you can talk with me about coaching. I’ve done a lot of study now, have worked extensively with people with dyslexia, and am a big nerd, so I also am able to help people find their way through a wide variety of study-related challenges.

People sometimes book in for a single coaching session to get a bunch of strategies. Or they might book a package of sessions and use them for support as needed throughout the year. If you’d like to talk with me about how I can help, you can book a free introductory chat with me:

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